This is probably not the best way to start a blog about my music and art, but you gotta start somewhere. And for some reason, this is where I'm starting.
Usually, I don't really follow current events. They seem pointless and calculated. This morning, however, I found myself wanting to learn about the presidential hopefuls for 2012. I've been hearing a lot about this Herman Cain dude and his purported "indiscretions" so I looked into him. Boring. I stumbled upon this one site that listed all the cats--women and men--looking to shack up in the office that's oval. That's where I found the rent's too damn high guy. From an aesthetically discerning set of peepers, he immediately got my attention. Found out he was a Vietnam Vet and......Boring.
Michelle Bachmann. Her stiff, symmetrically nailed smile straight creep-ed me right on out. I read about her jammies and came out with the the crystalline realization that the reason we believe in these tools is because the System programs us to think that believing in ourselves is a fruitless endeavor. It is far easier to believe in someone else and their unfounded confidence than to dig in and fortify our own. Fucking shits. Peeps gotta know that internal resource is an equally opportuned and closed system. No one has more than you--you're just taught they do. Do yourself a favor and don't believe the hype. You deserve it and you know exactly what I mean.
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