Sunday, February 22, 2015

Befuddlement Prophecy

Sitting here with the wife in communicable silence I get the inner-dialogue fired up: do some writing, dummay.

Sign in and here we are.

I think about writing a lot, but that don't mean that I actually do it. Most people have the same affliction. My new jam is to combat this lack of follow through with, you guessed it, follow through.

Lots of life has chemically changed here at headquarters since my last post, and to say the events were cataclysmic is still providing a conservative assessment of their importance or impact. They will materialize as short salvos of the written word soon enough.

Today, however, we are to focus on a concept I'm calling the Befuddlement Prophecy.

Paying attention is super under-rated these days and that's a curious fact because there's more going on now than ever and access to it is instantaneous. This constant and total saturation of information on a global scale is creating, purposefully, a mindset or attitude in the common Amerikan that is manifesting in a post-pod Invasion of the Body Snatchers (70's version) existence.

The living dead. Fucking zombies for real.

Why is this so?

I believe that there are two forces battling for wholistic real estate; good and evil, darkness and light, up and down...whatever dualistic metaphor you need for clarity insert here. In the contemporary throes of this fight the presence of consciousness is expanding to a universal level not yet experienced. This expansion is spiritual and is cultivating the seeds that we see in the physical world as good ideas or ways to make things better. More people than ever have their heads wrapped around ideas that are not empirically based but are faith based or ethereally accepted. Grand Hope.

Conversely, we see that the numbers of the living dead are also expanding exponentially and herein lies a problem with an observable root.

The root of this imprint is the programming propagated by those who do not want the people to access their inner-angel or True Selves. It is everywhere and bludgingly constant. It is venerably effective. It is the Befuddlement Prophecy and its methodology is soul specific crystal-meth; so much speed, in fact, that the systems are overloaded, unable to process and retreat into unprotected, yet fertile, fields of psychic potentiality. Once these minds are controlled and exposed the malignant stream of mis-information is piped in. Don't worry. It's painless and once you don't feel anything your life will seem easier, or better and you will have entirely new and welcoming commiserates to consort with; your tribe will appear. Wonder no more. Dream no more. Waste away in a slow burn of "needs" and tangible absurdities.

The struggle to not be indoctrinated is real. It is challenging and requires fortitude and discipline. Soldier up. The insistent barrage of information is a bid for your life-force. Mitigate its presence in your life and respond with a counter attack of introspection and creative acts. You are born into creation of creation so it follows logically that creativity on this plane--the one you manifest--is of utmost importance. Do not let the Befuddlement Prophecy lull you to sleep and steal your volition to live.

Your Word is Bond. Consciously imagine the good and the glory and let the sub-conscious get to work on the forms.


The strongest tool in your arsenal is also your greatest gift: YOU.

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